Why should you spend time and effort on a new system to make
seemingly smaller margins than you're used to?
Less Effort, Less Cost
While the margins may seem smaller, your
required effort is also smaller, and hence your
costs are less.
Your Store's Future
To invest in your store's future and stay
competitive in an increasingly online
marketplace, this may be the method requiring
the least effort or investment from you to reach
those online customers and redirect them to
your store, while making incremental revenue
along the way.
Customers in YOUR STORE
By providing your customers with what they're
looking for, by making relationships with new
customers, and by getting customers in your
door, you have the opportunity to build
customer loyalty and repeat business.
Small Time Commitment
The time commitment is a matter of minutes a
day to check for and request orders - only
slightly more when you're assigned an order.
New Sales
Sales gained from this system are additional to
your current sales, not replacing them. If it's
product you're already carrying, you're selling it
to someone coming through a different channel,
hence not your current customer; If it's ship-to-
store, it's product you weren't offering
otherwise, so it's by definition additional.