Robert Kaufman Lookbooks

Sky Chalk and Charcoal look book_Spring 2024_rev3

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Denyse Schmidt, Made by Jennifer Sampou and Jessica Kwan 1/3 yd each: AJSD-22666-30 Fern, 22667-134 Citrus, 22668-145 Papaya, 22669-217 Glacier, 22670-220 Pansy, 22671-352 Mushroom, 22672-376 Shell, 22673-464 Tiger Lily, 22674-484 Abalone, 22675-485 Canyon, 22676- 486 Northern Lights, 22677-487 Prism, 22678-488 Sandstone, 22679-489 Quartz, 21047-138 Honey, 36 Aloe, 90 Pearl, 18709-59 Ocean, 208 Dawn, 336 Fog, 410 Haze, 63 Sky, 206 Sunset, Opal 89, AJS-17513-83 Vintage White BINDING & BACKING 3 yds AJSXD-18973-412 Dove O u r S u n s h i n e Q u i l t 72" x 90" p a t t e r n f a b r i c Kit friendly 5

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