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This is Jill's second line with Robert kau an Fabrics. She continues sharin� her love o Civil War Reproduction abrics with Mill Pond. It contains a variet y o colors to create beauti ul :, ' scrapp y projects or color �roupin�s or planned projects. The patterns can be purchased rom Jill at Yellow Creek Quilt Desi�ns. • Jill is a abric and pattern desi�ner. She and her husband Dave currentl y own and operate the store Yellow Creek Quilt Desi�ns (YCQD), located in Pearl City, IL Creatin� and sewin� have been a part o Jill's li e since she was ver y small. Her mom tau�ht her to sew clothin� and the y took their irst 9uiltin� clas s to�ether in the late 1980s. Jill is a mom to three �rown children and �randma to ive precious little ones. Jill and Dave live in Northwestern Illinois. Jill tau�ht ph y sical education or several years prior to openin� a 9uilt/�i t shop with her sister Vicki. From that humble openin� in 199 man y ideas have lourished and �rown. The pattern company, YCQD, home o kindred Spirits Pattern Series launched and has �rown to be a well-respected and trusted pattern compan y in the 9uiltin� industr y . Jill lectures and teaches around the country, She has also been a eatured desi�ner in the Red & White Quilts book, Blue & White Quilts book and Splendid Sampler II all b y Martin�ale. When she has an y spare time it's spent with amil y , runnin� or bikin�. I �rew up in a small town (population o just over BOO to date) in Northwest Illinois called Pearl Cit y . I was blessed to have man y brothers, sisters and a nei�hborhood illed with other children our a�e. We e o y ed pla y in� outside rom mornin� until the street li�hts came on and we were expected to be home. Mill Pond was a J lace we o ten explored. It was �rown over and not as well taken care o then as it is today, but we ha un there. Climbin� trees, indin� 'pathes' and in the winter, ice skatin� was a avorite activit y --all brin� back wonder ul memories. Well, ma y be �ettin� stun� b y bees isn't such a wonder l memor y ! Mill Pond brin�s back man y beauti ul memories and I hope the abrics inspire y ou to create man y beauti l projects to e o y or y ears to come!